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Want to study a VET in 2024?

What is VDSS?

VET Delivered to School Students (VDSS) allows secondary students to gain practical skills in a specific industry while contributing toward the completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).

Features of VET

  • VET enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace.
  • Undertaking VET while at school allows students to mix general and vocational education and to make a start on training for a career before they leave school.
  • VET programs are typically completed over two years and provide students with a qualification or partial completion of a nationally recognised certificate.
  • Students can also study VET through school-based apprenticeships or traineeships (SBATs).

Benefits of VDSS

  • VET programs contribute directly to the VCE, VCE VM and VPC and can contribute towards the ATAR score.
  • Students gain industry experience and employability skills.
  • Creates a pathway to further study.
  • Provides opportunities to develop effective relationships with industry employers.
  • Enhances knowledge of employer and workplace expectations.
  • Develops the capacity for teamwork and leadership.

For more information visit VCAA.


Learn more about the NMVC, courses and how to become a VET teacher by watching our videos on NMVC TV.

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